George Clayton - Woodside Farm, South Ferriby.

Often when I take Bryn for his morning walk on the bank of the Humber I meet George who is a yeoman farmer of Lincolnshire. He talks of the land, farming, the seasons of the year, and other things of nature. I talk of ships, the sea, and far away places.
George was born in 1920 and went to work when he was 14 as a wagoner caring for 5 horses and all their gear. he was paid 12 shillings and 6 pence per week - it was a man's job! he worked for this landowner all his life and that man left him a farm and some land out of his estate when he died. George's son now works for that estate farming and the like - a great story.
George didn't go to war for two reasons - he had a weak heart and he was in agriculture. As he said the heart never did bother him and working from 6 am to 6pm daily is good for you! he retired when he was 75 years old but still works his garden etc.
Interestingly he is as bright as a button, really switched on, and very fit for a man 85 years old. He eats everything in season but no processed food, when I say he eats everything I mean the old English diet particularly the seasonal vegetables. [ George has never eaten curry or Chinese food - he has never been out of England.]
I really enjoy meeting George - it makes a good start to a day... Posted by Picasa


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