This morning a flyer hit the shag pile from one Mr Mike Bell who is, to quote himself : 
Lib Dem Parliamentary Candidate for Weston-super-Mare. Leader of Lib Dems on North Somerset Council. Views my own - who else would they belong to? 

Now if like me you live in North Somerset you will be somewhat dismayed at how everything that you loved about living in Weston-super Mare and Somerset has declined, died, or become sullied. In our view, that is my Wife and I, you will undoubtedly be completely frustrated with those people to whom we given the stewardship and husbandry of this fair land. A plague upon the Conservatives, Labour, and indeed the most arrogant : the Liberal Democrats. They have not listened to the populace, none of them paid any attention, we are plebs.
Here is a measure of how the population can be treated. My son returned home last year from away needing solace and help. He did not want any handouts from the Council but a place to live until everything settled medically and financially, and most of all advice. His letter of response was addressed "Dear Sir/Madam", a standard impersonal "you are not qualified to be on list" and not signed by any Council official. This is his home, he was a child here, went to school here, paid his taxes here, he played rugby here like his grandfather, his Grandfather took part in D-day plus 6 from here, his maternal ancestors are buried around the church on the hill at Uphill.
So when I received Bell's blurb I responded
My Wife's ancestors are buried on Uphill. Lab doesn't care, or Cons or you. So we'll vote UKIP.
what are you talking about? Ancestors?
So now I bring you back to Mr. Bell's comment "Views my own - who else would they belong to?" or, in other words, your views do not matter. I am afraid that is the mantra of all parties with the current exception of UKIP. 


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