Sept.4th 1898 - part 3

My father completed his career at the Admiralty at Bath and one of his last major projects was the purchase of a cargo passenger vessel from Butterfield & Swires and converting it to carrying munitions and transferring them at sea to Royal Navy vessels. This included nuclear weapons.
Here is a picture of the "Retainer" transferring munitions to the aircraft carrier HMS "Eagle" at sea in 1955. There was another vessel converted , "Resurgent".
Quite a life, he was a tough man, at times a difficult man, but when you consider this career I guess it becomes easier to understand.
He was a good father. Posted by Picasa


Al Williams said…
Impressive career Capt. Mike. You had to be a hard man to live in those times. They were the best of times and the worst of times. Excellent life stories Captain.

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